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May 2023 Ramsbury Bird Notes by Paul Swan

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

As Peter has mentioned, the first swallow was seen on April 7th, and a very tired and thin bird it was. A few days later the first house martin arrived, all very much on schedule, which is pleasing. Many other summer visitors are now with us, or at least the advance guard is. In the last week we have seen and heard chiffchaff, blackcap, willow warbler, Cetti’s warbler, yellowhammer and nuthatch.

This morning, on the way to Littlecote, we sighted a tree pipit, initially identified by its unique flight. It must have only just arrived from wintering in sub–Saharan Africa. This is very much a bird of woodland edges and isolated trees, from which the males launch themselves high in the air before ‘parachuting’ towards the ground whilst singing their beautiful song. It nests on the ground and is often a target species for the cuckoo.

A group of mallard ducks are bravely playing chicken with cars in the High Street, which does not seem like a great survival strategy. Much more sensible, and colourful was a mandarin duck we sighted from the nature reserve behind the Fire Station.

In the garden we have been delighted by daily visits from a reed bunting that must be nesting not far away. Most birds are now in full song and one of the loudest is the diminutive wren!


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